Getting Started - Rachman Clinic
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Getting Started

Achieving sustainable health takes more time and effort than you think… but not as much as you fear

– Dr. Brad Rachman

A path back to your Health Potential

Determining the most effective and sustainable treatment prior to fully characterizing the root cause of your health issues is like heading toward a destination without knowing our starting place. We could easily get lost or head in the wrong direction.

I know from experience that if we spend enough time and mindshare on the front end of our work together, determining one or more root causes to your health issues, the remainder of the journey will be infinitely easier and more successful.

  • Discovery

    A deep dive into your health history, symptoms, and treatments. Looks for clues that have been missed or overlooked.

  • Diagnostics

    Advanced laboratory diagnostics. If we ask different clinical questions, we will get different clinical answers.

  • Analysis

    Create a visual Cause and Effect map of your clinical imbalances. Highlighting the root cause of each of your symptoms.

  • Roadmap

    A comprehensive consultation to bring context to everything to date AND to layout a Roadmap back to your health potential.

The Details

These critical 4 steps form the bedrock of our work together. A single fee ($750) includes both the Discovery and Roadmap consultations, as well as my analysis time in between. The only additional cost would be something that neither of us know at the moment…the labs that will be essential to your accurate diagnosis. And I will chose the appropriate labs to perform for your health issues at the end of our Discovery consultation.

Before making the financial commitment to working with me to uncover the root cause of your health issues, I provide a courtesy, Initial consultation- I want to assure both of us that you are in the right place. If you are- great and we can move forward together. If not, I’ll do my best to send you in the right direction.

Some Considerations…

  • I only work with patients residing in the US who are at least 18 years old
  • In order to treat you without the limitations often imposed by insurance companies, I do not accept any third-party health insurance.
  • You pay for services directly and I will provide you the receipts required for you to file for personal reimbursement from your insurance company.
  • Medicare does not reimburse for any functional medicine services.

Let’s Get Started…together

I only work with a small number patients at a time-offering each my full attention and expertise. I want to be absolutely certain, before we began our work together, that you are in the right place- that my experience and skill set matches your health needs at this moment.

So, please take a few minutes to tell me a little about your health issues and path to date. I will respond to you personally. I hope to be able to invite you to a brief, courtesy, virtual consultation where we can talk further to see if we are a good fit for each other.

I hope that we have an opportunity to work together.